Sunday, June 24, 2012

Detox 1: Enzymatic Therapy 10 Day

   Nothing I say in this blog is meant for medical purpose. I am not medically certified whatsoever, if you have any concerns about how a detox will affect any pre existing medical condition, consult you doctor. 

   Since I've moved to this village, my diet has changed, my sleep habits have changed, my activity level, stress level, everything has changed. So, while everything else in my life is new, why would I assume my digestive tract could roll along as usual? I can definitely see and feel the change, so I figured now is the perfect time to do a detox to reset my belly. Give my stomach that turbo charge it needs in order for it to keep up with the changes in my life. 

    What are signs pointing to a good time to detox?

    For me, I know it's detox time when I feel sluggish, start getting stomach aches that are subtle but resilient, when I get very telling skin sensitivity and irritation, and when no amount of coffee will speed me up. Other signs can include mood disruptions, trouble sleeping, digestion changes, loss of appetite, acne, muscle pain, cramping, allergies, and any other sudden onset of general discomfort. I say sudden onset because some of us just have allergies all of the time, or occasional acne, but if you're life is changing, or you've just been eating really shitty lately, it's probably a good time to detox. 

    Ok, I guess I need a detox, what kind? I HAVE TOO MANY CHOICES!!!

    There are a ton of options here, there are store bought packs for daily detox, 5 day-30 day runs, there are rice fasts, water fasts, juice fasts, fruit fasts, every type of detox or fast you can imagine. But what's the difference and where do you start? I know I made my decision based off of how long it's been since I've detoxed last, my intake, my activity level, and how uncomfortable I can afford to be. I've been eating poorly and not doing any regular detox or fast for long enough that I know that a one day fast can't do the trick, but with my job being so rigorous, I know I can't do a hardcore fast or a long term detox. I chose a from-the-box 5 day detox system. 

   In the case of NOT being a piggie, a one to three day brown rice fast (only eating brown rice), one to three day fruit fast (one eating fruit, including tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber), or one day water fast ought to do the trick. For people who have the ability to be uncomfortable for a month, and haven't fasted in a long time, going longer is definitely better. But I'm going to get real, doing an all inclusive blog about detox and fast is impossible. I'm going to just write about the ones I do as I do them. I wanted to give a taste as to some options though. 

   Fine, so what's the detox you chose and what makes it a detox?

   The detox I went with was one I haven't done before. I chose Enzymatic Therapy 10 Day Whole Body Cleanse. I chose it because it included a citrus flavored fiber and acidophilus. It has a three part system, so capture pills that you take daily, that run in your blood stream and belly, pulling the nasties, the fiber wraps those nasties into gift wrapped boxes and aids in flushing them from your body. The acidophilus (yes, I can pronounce this, and am required to say it at my job) boosts the good bacteria in the stomach, and eases any stomach pain that could arise with doing this detox. 

   I took the first 5 pills last night, and as oppose to some of the detoxes I've done, there's been no stomach pain or cramping today. The fiber powder was tasty, which I hadn't expected, and, it might be because it's my day off and I had a list of things to accomplish, but my appetite has already reduced drastically. However, that could also be mental. There's something about being on detox that compels me to eat less, eat healthier, and be mindful. This detox is really easy, too. I have been on ones that require many pills, multiple times a day, and my memory sucks. This one I take the pills at night, drink the fiber when I want, take the acidophilus pill when I want, and reap the rewards.

   Well, wish me luck! And I'll be sure to update on how this detox method goes. I hope I can bypass all the usual discomfort and that this detox will just be smooth sailing!!

Until next time, get going, get green, and get...clean?

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